07971 424472 / 07971 535859 
12 & 13 April - Classic Bike Burn Up, Castle Combe 
25 & 26 May - WCMF, Anglesey 
22 & 23 June - Suzuki Live, Cadwell Park 
26 July - Donington Park 
23 August - Oulton Park 
21 & 22 September - Cadwell Moto, Cadwell Park 

CBT CALENDAR 2024   After a fabulous 2023, we're excited to release the Classic Bike Trackdays 2024 calendar - and somehwat a little stunned we've been able to give you the dates almost 2 months earlier than usual! We appreciate this will be a bit of a shock, but hope it allows you to get your diaries in order in good time and fit a few trackdays in around the various family commitments - and to allow everyone time to do this we'll be opening the CBT SHOP at 7pm on Monday 27 November.  The eagle-eyed amongst you will have already spotted the great news that we're returning to the fabulous Oulton Park after an absence of 5 years, alongside a selection of our favourite tracks all conveniently slotted into Fridays and weekends.   In addition to the straightforward trackdays, the Welsh Classic Motorcycle Festival, Suzuki Live and Cadwell Moto all return in 2024 and we have lots in the pipeline for each event, so for the latest updates keep an eye here on our website or head on over to Facebook and the Classic Bike Trackdays page.   It all promises to be another cracking year with lots of two-wheeled malarkey on the horizon! We look forward to seeing you all at one or more events throughout 2024.   Darin & Rob  


All photos courtesy of Rob Baxter; www.rbpsphotography.com